Esperanto was designed to be extremely consistent and easy to learn. As such, Esperanto employs a grammer-coded system. Here are some examples of how it works:
-o: noun
-a: adjective
-e: adverb
-j: plural
-n: object noun
-i: infinitive verb
is: past tense
-as: present tense
-os: future tense
-u: imperative
-us: conditional
-int-: past active
-ant-: present active
ont-: future active
-it-: past passive
-ot-: future passive
bo-: in-law
dis-: dispersal or distribution
ek-: sudden or brief action
eks-: former
ge-: both sexes
mal-: opposite
mis-: wrongly or mistaken
pra-: ancestor
re-: return or repetition
-ac^: low-quality
-ad: continuous action
-aj^: concrete manifestation
-an: member or inhabitant
-ar: group
-ebl: possibility
-ec: abstract concept or quality
-eg: augmentive
-ej: place
-em: tendency
-er: smaller unit
-estr: leader
-et: dimunitive
-id: young of an animal
-ig: to make
-ig^: to become
-il: tool or machine
-in: female
-ind: worthiness
-ing: holder
-ism: theory or system
-ist: practitioner
-obl: multiple
-on: fraction
-uj: container
-ul: person
1 unu; 2 du; 3 tri; 4 kvar; 5 kvin; 6 ses; 7 sep; 8 ok; 9 nau^
10 dek;
Autonomy estas instruistino.
Autonomy is a teacher.
Autonomy estas scienca intruistino.
Autonomy is a science teacher.
Autonomy instruas bone.
Autonomy teaches well.
Estas du komputiloj en la hejmo de Autonomy.
There are two computers in Autonomy's home.
Autonomy esploras la interreton.
Autonomy surfs the Web.
Autonomy esperas log^i sur Marson.
Autonomy hopes to live on Mars.
Autonomy helpis designi interplanedan kosmos^ipon.
Autonomy helped design an interplanetary spacecraft.
Autonomy helpas designi interplanedan kosmos^ipon.
Autonomy helps design an interplanetary spacecraft.
Autonomy helpos designi interplanedan kosmos^ipon.
Autonomy will help design an interplanetary spacecraft.
Helpu nin designi interplanedan kosmos^ipon, Autonomy.
Help us design an interplanetary spacecraft, Autonomy.
Ni havus interplanedan kosmos^ipon se Autonomy helpus nin.
We would have an interplanetary spacecraft if Autonomy would help us.
Verkinta marsan vojag^an simulilan programon, Autonomy riprozas.
After Having completed a Mars flight simulator program, Autonomy takes a break.
Verkanta marsan vojag^an simulilan programon, Autonomy ne havas tempon por ripozi.
As Autonomy is writing a Mars flight simulator program, she has no time for a break.
Verkonta marsan vojag^an simulilan programon, Autonomy studas multe pri tiu temo.
As she is about to write a Mars flight simulator program, Autonomy studies much about the subject.
Marsan vojag^an simulila programo verkita per Autonomy.
A Mars flight simulator program written by Autonomy.
-at-: present passive
Marsan vojag^an simulila programo vertaka per Autonomy.
A Mars flight simulator program being written by Autonomy.
Marsan vojag^an simulila programo verkota per Autonomy.
A Mars flight simulator program about to be written by Autonomy.
Bofratino (sister-in-law)
Dissendi (to broadcast)
Ekvidi (to glance)
Eksprezidento (expresident)
Geastronau^toj (men and women astronauts)
Malproksima (far away, distant)
Misinterpreti (to misinterpret)
Praavo (great-grandfather)
Refari (to remake)
domac^o (shack)
kuradi (to jog)
sensencaj^o (nonsense)
Marsano (Martian)
stelaro (constellation)
nekredebla (impossible)
libereco (freedom)
kosmos^ipego (humongous spaceship)
konsentejo (land of consensus)
imagema (imaginative)
salero (grain of salt)
kosmos^ipestro (spaceship commander)
submars^ipeto (mini-sub)
katido (kitten)
terigi (to make Earth-like)
terig^ (to become Earth-like)
komputilo (computer)
instruistino (female teacher)
spacinda (spaceworthy)
kandelingo (candlestick)
feminismo (feminism)
genetikisto (geneticist)
kvaroble (quadruple)
kvarono (one-quarter)
monujo (wallet)
scienculo (science guy)
11 dek unu; 12 dek du; 13 dek tri; 14 dek kvar; 15 dek kvin; 16 dek ses; 17 dek sep; 18 dek ok; 19 dek nau^
20 dudek;
30 tridek; 40 kvardek; 50 kvindek; 60 sesdek ...
100 cent; 200 ducent; 300; tricent ; 400 kvarcent ...
1,000 mil
10,000 dekmil
100,000 centmil
1,000,000 miliono
1,000,000,000 biliono
1,000,000,000,000 triliono